
Improving human-machine interaction thanks to user testing

Joule is a smart career companion using
Artificial Intelligence to make the job hunting process more efficient and, above all, more human.

Understanding the roots of the problem

Joule revolutionizes the selection process, with the awareness that the traditional curriculum vitae often does not fully convey the value and personality of the candidates. For this reason, the platform introduced presentation videos, offering a more authentic and engaging way to express one's soft skills and facilitating the connection between talents and recruiters.

Joule's team asked us:

“How can we encourage users to record presentation videos on Joule?”

To find an answer to this question we did
five rounds of interviews with users, each one of the duration of a hour, and this gave us fundamental answers.

What did we discover?

Although Joule has developed a system to streamline job searches and make them more human, we found that some users were uncertain about using AI and struggled to understand its benefits.

The data collected showed that only 20% of respondents had positive feelings towards AI in general.

Since Joule finds its distinctive trait in AI, we understood that we would have to make the advantages of this approach evident even for users who started out prejudiced against AI.

Building trust:
prototyping and usability testing

We had an ambitious goal:
increase the trust in the AI of Joule and make the video recording more comfortable and captivating.

Not simply testing

We took a guerrilla testing approach to test our app prototypes. As the name suggests, it's a fast and fun process that aims to collect a large amount of data on the usability of a digital product in a short time, in a public setting. Plus, we offered a reward that was impossible to refuse!

With the contribution of more than
70 testers we were able to validate our proposal, showing that our vision could lead to a
better experience for the user.

Tone of Voice and perception

We experimented with visual Tone of Voice, moving from illustrations to photographs to increase the perception of safety and humanity among users. The result was a success.

Glammed up

We finalized the changes in the app design, moving from illustrations to photos and paying particular attention to the copywriting: we tested the prototype again with about 35 online users using the Maze platform. The feedback was significantly more positive than the first tests.

Empathy as a key data interpretation

The heart of this project was to listen carefully to users, understand their concerns and offer solutions that improve their experience with Joule. A qualitative research approach guided every step, confirming that giving users a voice is the best tool for understanding how to make the user experience more rewarding.

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Via Cadorna 2,
Albignasego Padova,
35020 Italia

Copyright 2025 - Mabiloft SRL - VAT number 05157070284 - Share capital €10.000