Identify the problem.
Holding Moda, the flagship of Italian high fashion production which includes more than 11 specialized companies, found itself faced with an intriguing challenge:
the global dispersion of warehouses made it difficult for customers to explore the entire collection of materials and manufacturing in the catalogue.
In fact, after carefully analyzing the behavior of staff and customers, it turned out that finding the desired product in the vast assortment was a complex and cumbersome process due to the high volume of options and the geographic distribution of warehouses.
What did we do to overcome
this challenge
To overcome this challenge, we adopted a strategic approach focusing on how to make the warehouse consultation more efficient: we observed and interviewed the people involved to map the needs in the best possible way, with the aim of simplifying the process, ensuring everyone easy access to the options offered by Holding Moda.

A whole warehouse on the screen

the tech
side of
Innovation map.
Our technology was successfully integrated in HM warehouse, making the virtual warehouse accessible in every Holding Moda center around the world, in the major fashion capitals including Paris, with the added value of offline support.
This new sales experience has significantly reduced customer decision-making times during the purchase phase.
Any idea or do you want to know us better?
Otherwise we can play table football or have a ping-pong match in the office. We have a slush machine, too. Well, contact us for anything, except for telemarketing.
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Where we are
Via Cadorna 2,
Albignasego Padova,
35020 Italia
Copyright 2025 - Mabiloft SRL - VAT number 05157070284 - Share capital €10.000